today has been one of those extremely rare days where, after six weeks of activity, i have the luxury to sit alone in the moldy apartment contemplating the possibiility of staying inside and speaking to no one all day. i spent yesterday at the marché alligré purchasing vegetables for the week. sipping coffee on the corner, i watched all of the vendors pack up their goods for the day while my friends pestered them for free mangos. today i have convinced myself that it is not sunshine i see in the courtyard - after all of this morning's rain it can only be a tease and i am sure that the minute i step outside it will pour on me.
we begin a new unit tomorrow - mask played. after the flopping frustration of bouffon and the universal dip in motivation and energy that occurred during melodrama, i am happy to savour these next few hours of inactivity before another few weeks of extreme innovation and resiliance beckon me.
i leave you now with a photo of my friend Rew who drank all the beer in paris on friday but still mustered enough energy to stop by for homemade pizza and dvd's last night.